Tartan Tails - Dog Therapy
Tartan Tails - Dog Therapy

Support the training of our furry heroes!

Student well-being is essential to academic success, but it can be challenged by the demands of college life. Whether it’s being lonely or feeling homesick, the pressure of assignments or impending deadlines, or dealing with separation from a beloved pet back home, pet therapy support services are becoming increasingly vital on campuses to ensure students thrive in their educational lives. It has been proven that even the smallest – and sometimes furriest – wellness efforts can have positive and lasting impacts.

With this in mind, President Bret Danilowicz and his wife First-Lady Kay Danilowicz passionately believe in the positive effects of making trained therapy dogs accessible to students on Radford University’s campuses. Studies show that students who interact with therapy dogs experience stress relief benefits that can last for weeks. These interactions helped sharpen the cognitive skills of stressed college students weeks after the experience.

Therapy dogs can help students achieve a stronger sense of belonging and help lessen anxiety. As such, Kay Danilowicz – with the help of her dog Bainne (pronounced BON-ya) – is taking the lead on building and supporting a team of Highlander therapy dogs named Tartan Tails to enhance the wellness of our Radford community. You can help champion this cause by contributing to support the training of these furry heroes!

Please consider giving today to offset the costs of training and other expenses that are essential to establishing and maintaining the Tartan Tails program.

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Most Donors Challenge
The project with the most unique donors during Highlander Giving Day will receive an additional $1,000 generously donated by the Radford Foundation!
Rank Prize Projects Donors
1 $1,000 Student Recreation and Wellness Support 65
2 College of Education and Human Development 57
3 College of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences 45
4 Highlander H.O.P.E. - Recovery Community 33
5 Davis College of Business and Economics 32
Dollars Raised Leaderboard
See how your favorite projects are doing!
Rank Projects Raised
1 Davis College of Business and Economics $5,625.00
2 College of Education and Human Development $4,220.00
3 Student-Athlete Scholarship Fund $3,340.00
4 College of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences $3,035.00
5 The Highlander Pantry $2,380.00
Who supports the Highlander Community?
Check back throughout Highlander Giving Day to see which group has the most gifts!
What is your affiliation to Radford University?
Rank Answer Gifts
1 Faculty/Staff 142
2 Alumni 96
3 Community Member 38
4 Family of Student 30
5 Student 13
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