Davis College of Business and Economics
Davis College of Business and Economics


The faculty in the Davis College of Business and Economics are deeply committed to challenging minds, cultivating talents and connecting our students to the business community. These are not just buzzwords but rather the pillars upon which we build our teaching, engagement and support for students throughout their educational journey. With the leadership of our new Dean, Dr. Donna Weaver McCloskey, our co-curricular programming will flourish in the coming year.

Key components of this program include:

  • Offering grants for students to pursue business certifications
  • Supporting an AI Lab where students can work on innovative projects, apply machine learning techniques, and develop cutting-edge technologies
  • Incorporating active learning experiences, such as real-world projects, to bridge the gap between classroom theory and business practice
  • Supporting student-run business clubs and organizations by providing funding for events, leadership training, and competition participation
  • Funding research opportunities for students to collaborate with faculty on industry-relevant projects
  • Creating global learning experiences, such as collaborative learning projects, study abroad programs and international internships
  • Facilitating access to industry-specific career counseling and resume-building workshops
  • Enhancing access to cutting-edge technology and software for hands-on learning
  • Providing opportunities for students to collaborate with local businesses on consulting projects, offering actionable solutions while gaining practical business experience

Your support for this fund will make a tangible, positive impact on our students, benefiting them today and well into the future.

Feel free to click on the image above, scan the QR code or follow this link! https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=NNPkHq-yzU-DRFLUNqae0w1tGW4zQFZIsUeOXplBfqlUN0dNMksxTzMzMkNFMDk0WVBBSU9QQllUQy4u&route=shorturl

See what people are sharing about Highlander Giving Day!
Most Donors Challenge
The project with the most unique donors during Highlander Giving Day will receive an additional $1,000 generously donated by the Radford Foundation!
Rank Prize Projects Donors
1 $1,000 Student Recreation and Wellness Support 65
2 College of Education and Human Development 57
3 College of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences 45
4 Highlander H.O.P.E. - Recovery Community 33
5 Davis College of Business and Economics 32
Dollars Raised Leaderboard
See how your favorite projects are doing!
Rank Projects Raised
1 Davis College of Business and Economics $5,625.00
2 College of Education and Human Development $4,220.00
3 Student-Athlete Scholarship Fund $3,340.00
4 College of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences $3,035.00
5 The Highlander Pantry $2,380.00
Who supports the Highlander Community?
Check back throughout Highlander Giving Day to see which group has the most gifts!
What is your affiliation to Radford University?
Rank Answer Gifts
1 Faculty/Staff 142
2 Alumni 96
3 Community Member 38
4 Family of Student 30
5 Student 13
Davis College - 20 Donors Challenge
Our generous alumni Josh Rowe '81 has issued a challenge! If our project reaches 20 donors during Highlander Giving Day, he will donate an additional $2,000 to support our cause! Help us get there with your donation today!
20 / 20 Donors
Don't forget to share!

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Or you can contact us at ruadvancement@radford.edu.