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Strength and Conditioning

Thank you for your support during the Power Hour - we doubled our weight goal and the donor goal was met.  You can still make a difference!

Click now to donate!

Our Strength and Conditioning program plays an instrumental role in the success of all Radford University student-athletes. Our program is designed to help each student-athlete reach their full potential in their sport. 

With your gift today, you can help us optimize our athletes' comprehensive wellness and empower them to train and perform like champions for an improved athletic experience. Your donation will also help us purchase new weight room equipment, acquire updated technology, and expand our nutrition fueling station.

Updated technology allows us to help our athletes adequately evaluate and improve their performance and prepare for in-game situations. Expanded nutrition offerings allow our students to access healthy food choices, replenish needed nutrients, keep their diets balanced, and support their holistic wellness. Please help us make this possible with your donation today!

Your support would be greatly appreciated on behalf of Radford Strength and Conditioning!

See what people are sharing about RAD48!
DONORS Leaderboard
Which program will get the most donors?
Rank Program Donors
1 Lacrosse - Women's 270
2 Volleyball 260
3 Softball 178
4 Baseball 135
5 Golf - Women's 93
DOLLARS Leaderboard
Follow the dollars raised for each team/program here!
Rank Program Raised
1 Baseball $34,070.86
2 Lacrosse - Women's $22,028.66
3 Volleyball $18,092.00
4 Golf - Women's $12,710.00
5 Softball $10,500.00
Who supports Highlander Nation?
Check back throughout RAD48 to see which group has the most donors!
What is your affiliation to Radford University?
Rank Answer Donors
1 Family of Athlete 607
2 Community Member 175
3 Alumni - athlete 145
4 Faculty/Staff 110
5 Alumni (non-athlete) 64
6 Student 58
If the Strength & Conditioning program can reach 10,000 lbs. lifted by our student-athletes and 10 donors during this hour, it will receive an additional $1,000. WATCH LIVE on our page now!
10 / 10 Donors
Don't forget to share!

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Or you can contact us at ruadvancement@radford.edu.