Highlander Club Fund
Highlander Club Fund

The Highlander Club raises money for Radford Athletics to ensure that student-athletes have the necessary means to compete for championships and excel in the classroom. Your gift to the Highlander Club Fund can help all student-athletes have the best collegiate experience on and off the playing field.

The Highlander Club Fund reinforces the foundation needed to operate a successful Athletics Department. Regardless of size, your gift is the most effective way to provide Radford Athletics with the sustainable resources and flexibility to meet the ever-growing needs of student-athletes and all athletic teams and programs.

The Highlander Club Fund supports each athletic team and its programs, including Radford Cheer and Dance, Strength and Conditioning, and Sports Medicine.

Please consider a gift to the Highlander Club Fund today!

See what people are sharing about RAD48!
DONORS Leaderboard
Which program will get the most donors?
Rank Program Donors
1 Lacrosse - Women's 270
2 Volleyball 260
3 Softball 178
4 Baseball 135
5 Golf - Women's 93
DOLLARS Leaderboard
Follow the dollars raised for each team/program here!
Rank Program Raised
1 Baseball $34,070.86
2 Lacrosse - Women's $22,028.66
3 Volleyball $18,092.00
4 Golf - Women's $12,710.00
5 Softball $10,500.00
Who supports Highlander Nation?
Check back throughout RAD48 to see which group has the most donors!
What is your affiliation to Radford University?
Rank Answer Donors
1 Family of Athlete 607
2 Community Member 175
3 Alumni - athlete 145
4 Faculty/Staff 110
5 Alumni (non-athlete) 64
6 Student 58
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