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Sports Medicine

Abby Federici won the Cold Tub Challenge

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In Sports Medicine, we are constantly working to become stronger in the areas of prevention, recognition, evaluation, and assessment of injuries. The Sports Medicine team also works hard to keep every student-athlete performing at peak mental and physical fitness. To do this, it is essential that our professionally trained staff is fully prepared to rapidly and effectively assist our athletes with cutting-edge therapeutic equipment that allows them to adequately respond with first-class treatment, rehabilitation, and reconditioning.

Your gift today will help ensure we remain positioned to provide top-notch preventative and responsive care to our Highlanders. 

On behalf of the Sports Medicine team, any and all support would be greatly appreciated! 

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DONORS Leaderboard
Which program will get the most donors?
Rank Program Donors
1 Lacrosse - Women's 270
2 Volleyball 260
3 Softball 178
4 Baseball 135
5 Golf - Women's 93
DOLLARS Leaderboard
Follow the dollars raised for each team/program here!
Rank Program Raised
1 Baseball $34,070.86
2 Lacrosse - Women's $22,028.66
3 Volleyball $18,092.00
4 Golf - Women's $12,710.00
5 Softball $10,500.00
Who supports Highlander Nation?
Check back throughout RAD48 to see which group has the most donors!
What is your affiliation to Radford University?
Rank Answer Donors
1 Family of Athlete 607
2 Community Member 175
3 Alumni - athlete 145
4 Faculty/Staff 110
5 Alumni (non-athlete) 64
6 Student 58
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